Environmental social science is the scientific study
of three interrelated dynamic components:
- people
- the social environment
- the natural (non-human) environment
Environmental social science is the scientific study
of three interrelated dynamic components:
Environmental social science (ESS) is the (systematic) study of the interrelationship between three dynamic components:
Environmental social scientists can be found in a range of classic and applied social science disciplines as well as consultancy, policy and practice.
They can be trained in a range of classic social science disciplines (e.g., psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics), applied disciplines (e.g., education, marketing) and interdisciplinary fields (e.g., human ecology).
In policy and practice researchers may describe themselves as social scientist, social researcher, behavioural scientist, or social data analyst, rather than a subdiscipline.
Applied, interdisciplinary working and knowledge exchange are key.
Environmental problems are deeply rooted in social structures, but the importance of the range of environmental social sciences is not always clearly valued or understood.
Environmental social sciences offer different types of knowledge and insights to:
A set of case studies demonstrating where and how environmental social sciences have had significant impact on interdisciplinary research and policy and practice.
Report: Environmental social science
What is it and why do we need it?
We have developed a clear definition of what Environmental Social Science is and how it can be used to address environmental challenges.
Webinar: Why do we need environmental social science?
Recording of a webinar with Professor Birgitta Gatersleben at Surrey University on 8 February 2024.
Presentation: Explaining environmental social science slide deck.
A PowerPoint presentation to aid engagement in the Environmental Social Sciences.
Report: A guide to working in inter-and transdisciplinary ways.
Supporting working across disciplines and stakeholder groups based on findings from the literature.
Report: A framework of considerations for increasing impact of environmental social science in policy and practice arenas.
Based on interviews with environmental social scientists.
Webpage: A systems map of organisations where there may be opportunities for collaboration.
Environmental Social Science Knowledge Exchange Map of Opportunities (ESS NEMO).
Report: Working with other disciplines and stakeholders
What is the impact and value of environmental social sciences in interdisciplinary research, policy, organisations and society.
A guide: List of toolkits
Useful toolkits to support environmental social scientists’ knowledge exchange activities.
Report: Toolkits for knowledge exchange
How can toolkits can support knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary working for increased impact?