Creating an intervention to reduce boiler flow temperatures in the UK – A case study

Published on 2 October 2024

This case study describes the impact, and resulting emissions reductions and financial impact, of the implementation of research into domestic heating behaviours.

The research was undertaken by a non-governmental organisation and developed a range of tools which led to widespread behaviour change in the UK public.

Condensing boilers that burn gas contribute greatly to UK greenhouse gas emissions. A way to reduce emissions is to reduce the flow temperature and optimise boiler efficiency. Nesta, a UK innovation foundation, undertook interviews with industry stakeholders and households to create a web tool intervention providing tailored instructions on how to change boiler settings. This was based on testing and evidence gathering, including research on the relationship between lower flow temperatures, energy use, and household comfort.

As a result of this work an intervention was created that was rolled out across the UK in October 2022. This was the Money Saving Boiler Challenge. As a result of the intervention, an estimated 3.1 million households turned their boiler flow temperature down over the course of the campaign, saving an estimated 500,000 tonnes of CO2, £300 million in savings for households, and £157 million in reduced savings for the UK Government.

One of a series of case studies that demonstrates the value of Environmental Social Science in research and practice.