Why do we need Environmental Social Sciences? Ready to view ACCESS Webinar

Published on 19 February 2024


Birgitta GaterslebenBirgitta Gatersleben

Professor Birgitta Gatersleben is Professor of Environmental Psychology at the University of Surrey, where she leads the Environmental Psychology Research Group. She is the Co-Director of the £6.25m ESRC-funded Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environmental Social Science (ACCESS).

Join Birgitta to find out how the social sciences can help solve todays climate and environmental challenges.

Environmental social sciences (ESS) are essential to help address environmental issues, which are ultimately social issues. The problems that we face, discuss, worry about, and try to tackle are caused, defined, conceptualised and challenged by people as individuals, groups, cultures, institutions, political systems, etc. However, the value of ESS is still often underestimated, and it can be challenging for environmental social scientists within and outside of academia to explain to colleagues, funders and decision makers how important it is.

This talk outlines what we mean by ESS and why it is needed to address the environmental challenges that we face. Birgitta draws on some of the findings from ACCESS Work Package 1.

The webinar is also one of a series of ACCESS webinars.