ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
WalkShop Right2Roam session outside in Dartington gardens

Training and Events

From novice to expert, here is a range of training and development resources, including secondments, mentoring and networking events.

Some of these resources are aimed at social scientists, whilst others are for audiences without formal social science training, who wish to use social science in their everyday roles.

Key areas include;

  • Climate and environmental social science
  • How to translate research into policy
  • How to successfully co-produce work with different stakeholders

We regularly post information about training and career development opportunities from other organisations and projects here and in our newsletter.

We also host our own training and development activities. Regular updates are provided here about the annual ACCESS summer schools for Early Career Researchers, the ACCESS Leadership College, ACCESS Assemblies, webinars and events.

We are keen to provide and signpost to high quality training and development opportunities to those early in their social science careers.

Sarah Golding, ACCESS Knowledge Exchange Fellow and Early Career Researcher talks about the importance of training to increase social science competency and capacity so we can solve big world problems like climate change and the biodiversity crisis.

ACCESS Assembly 2024

Attendees on Day 2 ACCESS Assembly 2024 at the University of Exeter

This year’s Assembly was on Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 June 2024 at the University of Exeter. Together in-person and online we explored the ways we can have impactful knowledge exchange across different sectors. We discussed how we might then start to influence policy.

Over the two days we delved into inclusivity, accessibility and the more-than-human in climate and environment experiences. One of the highlights of the two days was the Flex Fund showcase where all nine project leads talked about their work from fashion to water scarcity, energy poverty to urban bio-diversity renewal.

Collaboration was certainly one of the key mantras of the conference, articulated brilliantly by the Keynote speakers. We look forward to next year and to showcasing more cross sector partnerships and networks.

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ACCESS Assembly 2023

Break out session at the ACCESS Assembly

Exeter University welcomed social scientists from across academia, public and private sectors from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. The aim over the two days to get together and spark new ideas and networks.

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ACCESS Assembly 2022

Attendees at the ACCESS Assembly

The main aim of the two days was to bring together the ACCESS network. Inviting university expert researchers and ACCESS partners to start thinking about how we might deliver some of the project’s aims.

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How do you run a successful hybrid event?

This was just one of the questions we asked ourselves before organising our first ACCESS Annual Assembly in 2022. Since then we have been evaluating our larger events and we are keen to share our findings.

Early in the planning for the Assembly, we decided we wanted to welcome in-person and online visitors. It was important for us to:

  • Invite people from various disciplines and champion the benefits of collaboration and co-production.
  • Be inclusive and offer equally enriching experiences and networking opportunities to those in the room and those sitting at their desktop.
  • Experiment and move away from the conference norm of short presentation slots and parallel sessions over lunch to something more relaxed that would allow people to think, ask questions and connect with others.
  • Incorporate our Guiding Principles (EDI, Environmental Sustainability and Knowledge Coproduction)

From planning to evaluation, the report focuses on venue hire, accommodation, event programme, audio & visual technology, networking opportunities and how to incorporate our Guiding Principles.

Guidance for Planning and Hosting a Successful Hybrid Event -Reflections from the ACCESS Annual Assembly 2022 PDF

ACCESS Assembly 2022 Event Evaluation Report Online

ACCESS Assembly 2023 Event Evaluation Report PDF


Discover our series of webinars addressing practical topics in environmental social science. With a wide range of speakers, the webinars focus around the 5 core areas of work within ACCESS.

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People looking at an open laptop screen

Placement Schemes

Placement schemes can offer important development and networking experiences for environmental social scientists, especially in helping researchers understand more about policy development and delivery.

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A woman standing by a post-it-note board with others sat round a table

Leadership College

The ACCESS Leadership College is a cohort of 20 emerging leaders working in Environmental Social Science.

It is a diverse group of people from academia, business, charities and the public sector all coming together for 4 annual residential retreats.   The College provides opportunities for the group to network and learn from each other and from experts across ACCESS and beyond.

The first retreat had a focus on Health, Wellbeing and the Environment. Find out more about the first Leadership College retreat from Saffron O’Neill, ACCESS Leader Successful first ACCESS Leadership College retreat

The second retreat was held in April 2024. Richard Bridge, Head of Monitoring & Evaluation in the Trees and Forestry Division at Defra, reflects on their second meet up

Meet some of the Leadership College Fellows:

ACCESS Leadership College Fellows, Beth Collier and some of the ACCES Project team at Dartington Hall
People round a table, creating a map together.

Leadership College Fellows

Elysia Barker Davies
Kent Wildlife Trust

Sarah Bell
University of Exeter

Mandi Bisset
The Southampton Collective CIC

Richard Bridge
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Pamela Buchan
University of Surrey

Emma Claydon
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero

Laura De Vito
University of West England

Jaya Gajparia
London South Bank University

Anika Haque
University of York

Becki Jepson
Nifty Sustainability CIC

Helen Kendall
Natural England

Ruth Lamont
Natural England

Laurie Laybourn
Institute for Public Policy Research & Chatham House

Susann Power
Ulster University

Helen Roberts
Met Office

Jennifer Rudd
University of Swansea

Stephanie Weir
Scottish Government

Caryl Williams
Welsh Government

Rebecca Windemer

Lewis Winks
Lestari Environmental Education Consultancy

Summer schools

The ACCESS summer schools provide relaxed and friendly environments for PhD students and Early Career Researchers to;

  1. Meet and discuss their research with experts in the field and their peers, working together on issues of environment and climate change.
  2. Receive interactive training in communicating climate and environmental social science for impact beyond academia (e.g., with policymakers, media, and publics)
  3. Gain insights into career paths for environmental social scientists post-PhD.

Last year’s ACCESS Summer School was held in September 2023

Dartington Hall with tree in the foreground in full blossomThe second residential summer school took place at Dartington Hall, Devon, UK from Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 September 2023, focused on the ACCESS Guiding Principles.

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We held our first ACCESS Summer/Winter School in January 2023

Sitting room at Cumberland Lodge

The school was held at Cumberland Lodge. The three days , focused on the theme of Communicating Climate and Environment Social Science for Impact Beyond Academia.

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Systems Mapping for Environmental Domains

This workshop was held on Tuesday 12 November 2024, at the University of Surrey and was led by Dr Pete Barbrook-Johnson (University of Oxford) and Dr Alexandra Penn (University of Surrey / Defra).

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