The report includes results from a series of pilot projects designed to improve futures and foresight capabilities in Welsh Government, detailed responses from officials working in several other national governments and a set of recommendations geared to further develop and embed futures and foresight practices in Wales. For those who are unfamiliar with futures and […]
Pamela is leading the review of evidence on the social impacts of marine sectors on coastal communities, on behalf of The Crown Estate. As manager of the seabed around England, Wales and Northern Ireland, The Crown Estate plays a key role in the processes that regulate how the UK marine environment is used and […]
At a time where we grapple with complex poly- and perma-crises such as the climate emergency, cost of living crisis, and biodiversity crisis, rapid yet adequate responses are crucial. This requires effective collaboration between policymakers and the scientific community to co-produce solutions that can address the urgent socio-ecological challenges. The importance of social […]
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