ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
Unpacking the groceries in the kitchen

Scoping funding areas for ESRC

ACCESS contributes to scoping future transformative social science and interdisciplinary research within the area of climate and environment. Using diverse stakeholder perspectives, we aim to ensure strategic research outcomes that will make a difference.

One of the ways ACCESS is enabling social scientists to play an influential, leading role in addressing environmental challenges is through our work with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). ACCESS is engaging with ESRC to provide strategic input into the development of emerging research priorities and the inclusion of social science within interdisciplinary ideas across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).


In 2022, ACCESS provided high-level insights from the community and produced the first scoping report that helped shape a call for research funding published by ESRC in early 2023.  This focused on place-based approaches to sustainable living.

ACCESS Contributions to Scoping Future UKRI Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research December 2022



In 2023, Innovative Economic Solutions and Alternatives was also identified by the ESRC as a potential theme for future funding. This document reports the findings of a second set of scoping activities conducted by ACCESS that explored the ‘Innovative Economic Solutions and Alternatives’ theme further.

ACCESS Contributions to Scoping Report – Innovative Economics October 2023


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