I am the Director of the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) at the University of Exeter, UK.
I have been advisor on environmental improvement to senior Government Cabinet ministers for over a decade, advise the First Minister of Scotland, am a member of the HM Treasury working group on bringing biodiversity into the Green Book guidelines for public spending and was a member of the Natural Capital Committee and the Board of the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
My main research interests revolve around the issue of ensuring sustainable wellbeing through the integration of natural and physical science with economics and by working with business and policy makers.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: >175 papers including:
Bateman, I.J. and Balmford, A. (2023) Current conservation policies risk accelerating biodiversity loss, Nature, 618: 671- 674, 22nd June 2023, https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01979-x.
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2023) Perspectives on valuing water quality improvements using stated preference methods, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 120 (18): e2217456120.
Bateman, I.J. et al., (2022) A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands, People and Nature, 1–31, https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10331
Faccioli, M. …Bateman, I.J. (2020) Combined carbon and health taxes….food policies, Nature Food, doi.org/10.1038/s43016-022-00482-2
Bateman, I.J. and Kling, C.L. (2020) Revealed Preference Methods for Nonmarket Valuation, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 14(2): 240–259, doi:10.1093/reep/reaa009
Bateman, I.J., Mace, G.M. (2020) The natural capital framework for sustainably efficient and equitable decision making, Nature Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-0552-3
Stentiford, G., Bateman, I.J., et al., (2020) Sustainable aquaculture through the One Health lens, Nature Food, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-020-0127-5
Ouyang, Z…Bateman, I.J., et al. (2020) Using Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) to Value Nature in Decision-Making, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 201911439.
Day, B.H., Bateman, I.J., et al (2019) Structurally-consistent estimation of use & non-values for landscape-wide environmental change, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 98: 102256
Ritchie, P.D., … and Bateman, I.J. (2019) Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point, Nature Food, 1:76–83 doi:10.1038/s43016-019-0011-3.
Sterner, T., Barbier, E.B., Bateman, I.J., et al., (2019) Policy design for the Anthropocene, Nature Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-018-0194-x
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2015) Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112 (24) 7408–7413.
Guerry, A.D…Bateman, I.J. et al. (2015) Natural capital informing decisions: from promise to practice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112 (24) 7348–7355.
Fezzi, C., Harwood, A.R., Lovett, A.A. and Bateman, I.J. (2015) The environmental impact of climate change adaptation: Land use and water quality, Nature Climate Change, 5, 255–260.
Fezzi, C. and Bateman, I.J. (2015) The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, JAERE, 2: 57-92.
Fezzi, C., Bateman, I.J. & Ferrini, S. (2014) Using revealed preferences to estimate the value of travel time to recreation sites, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 67:58–70.
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2013) Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision making: Land use in the UK, Science, 341: 45-50.
Garnett, T…Bateman,I.J..Godfray,H.C. (2013) Sustainable intensification in agriculture, Science 341:33-34.
Day, B.H., Bateman, I.J., et al. (2012) Ordering effects & choice set awareness in repeat-response stated preference studies, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 63: 73–91.
Fezzi, C. and Bateman, I.J. (2011) Structural agricultural land use modeling for spatial agro-environmental policy analysis, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93 (4): 1168-1188.
Bateman, I.J., Mace, G.M., et al., (2011) Economic Analysis for Ecosystem Service Assessments, Environmental and Resource Economics, 48(2): 177-218.
Bateman, I.J. et al., (2009) Procedural invariance testing of the one-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice elicitation method, Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(4): 806–820.
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2009) Reducing gains/loss asymmetry: A virtual reality choice experiment (VRCE), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58: 106-118.
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2008) Contrasting NOAA guidelines with Learning Design Contingent Valuation (LDCV), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 55: 127–141.
Bateman, I.J., Dent, S., Peters, E., Slovic, P. and Starmer, C., (2007) The Affect Heuristic and the Attractiveness of Simple Gambles, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20(4): 365-380.
Bateman, I.J., Kahneman, D. et al., (2005) Testing competing models of loss aversion, J.Pub.Ec.
Bateman, I.J. and Munro, A. (2005) An experiment on risky choice amongst households, Economic Journal, 115(502):176-189.
Bateman, I.J., et al., (2004) On visible choice sets and scope sensitivity, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 47: 71-93.
Bateman, I.J., Munro, A., Rhodes, B., Starmer, C. and Sugden, R. (1997) Does part-whole bias exist? An experimental investigation, Economic Journal, 107(441): 322-332.
Bateman, I.J., Munro, A., Rhodes, B., Starmer, C. and Sugden, R. (1997) A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(2): 479-505.
• Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1230629/7539559
• Marginal Babble Ep.10 with Professor Ian Bateman: Conservation policy is KILLING Biodiversity! (interviewer Max Dorey) https://youtu.be/MXa0kySnPME
• Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Bateman
• MOOC: www.futurelearn.com/courses/valuing-nature/
• YouTube: https://youtu.be/Vbb-h-6B4do and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67umejcVJjw&feature=youtu.be
• NCC Impact Timeline film: Impact Timeline film:
• NCC – Natural capital’s place in decision making
• NCC The Green Book film:
• Natural Capital Masterclass 2019: https://vimeo.com/377497193
• Exeter Expertise: https://we.tl/t-3MpL9PQnKw
• Devon Association 2020: https://youtu.be/aKCwkfPtonw
and https://youtu.be/-chcL4cJm-M
and https://devonassoc.org.uk/s20.
• “Elephants and Economics: Why net zero matters to us all”, Annual Science Lecture 2021 Natural History Museum panel with Mark Carney, Kate Raworth and Andy Purves, 11th March 2021:
• Meet Top Environmental Economists site:
Express Views with Ian Bateman:
• Festival of Discovery 2021 talk: Using economics to help save the world