ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
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Dr George Warren

Last modified: October 31, 2024
ACCESS Fellows

Knowledge Exchange Fellow (ACCESS)
University of Surrey


The sector(s) I work in: Academic

Professional qualifications:




Google Scholar



About the organisation(s) I've worked for

Organisation name:

University of Surrey

About my experience and expertise

Personal statement:

My passion lies in the investigation and application of findings from environmental psychology and social sciences and research into UK policy, especially aiming to address the climate and environmental crises. My research is primarily focused on issues associated with risk perceptions and other individual or socio-demographic factors which shape pro-environmental behaviours.

I have previously undertaken research on COVID-19 risk perceptions, communications and risk management strategies across Europe, evaluated domestic energy advice schemes, and investigated the motivators and barriers to domestic energy saving in England.

Find out more about my work and my publication record here.

Key topic areas of research or interest:

My research interests focus primarily on:
(1) Behaviour change, particularly focused on climate change-mitigating activities such as domestic energy saving, transport and low-carbon heating, and the individual and societal drivers and barriers that may motivate or hamper decision-making towards more pro-environmental choices.
(2) Social acceptability of climate mitigating technologies or activities, such as nuclear, wind, and solar power, deep geothermal energy.
(3) Public perceptions of risk, especially involving environmental and technological hazards such as climate change and associated hazards.
(4) Increasing capacity for knowledge exchange between research and policy & practice groups.


Selected publications:

Gatersleben, B., Warren, G. W., Marselle, M., Marshall, H., Brockett, B. F., O’Brien, L., … & Lorentzon, A. (2024). Environmental Social Science: What is it and why do we need it? Guildford, Surrey: ACCESS.

Warren, G. W., Marshall, H., Seymour, V., Brockett, B. F., Christie, I., Exadaktylos, T., … & Gatersleben, B. (2024). ESS kNowledge Exchange Map of Opportunities (ESS NEMO). Guildford, Surrey: ACCESS.

Warren, G. W., Gatersleben, B., Marshall, H., & Seymour, V. (2024). Benefits, drawbacks, barriers, and drivers of working with other disciplines and stakeholders. Guildford, Surrey: ACCESS.

Warren, G. (2023). Individual, Socio-Demographic and Knowledge-Based Determinants of Climate Change Beliefs and Domestic Energy Saving in England. King’s College London: PhD Thesis.

Warren, G. W. (2023). Risk. In: L. Lees & D. Demeritt (Eds.) Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 348-352. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mahdavian, F., Warren, G. W., Evensen, D., & Bouder, F. E. (2022). The Relationship Between Barriers and Drivers of COVID-19 Protective Behaviors in Germany and the UK. International Journal of Public Health, 67:1604970.

Warren, G. W., & Lofstedt, R. (2022). Risk communication and COVID-19 in Europe: lessons for future public health crises. Journal of Risk Research, 25(10), 1161-1175.

Warren, G. W., Lofstedt, R., & Wardman, J. K. (2021). COVID-19: the winter lockdown strategy in five European nations. Journal of Risk Research, 24(3-4), 267-293.

Warren, G. W., & Lofstedt, R. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine rollout risk communication strategies in Europe: a rapid response. Journal of Risk Research, 24(3-4), 369-379.

Warren, G., & Foulds, C. (2020). ‘Better’ domestic energy advice in England? A narrative literature review. London: UK Energy Research Centre.

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