ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
ACCESS - Advancing Capacity for Climate  and Environment Social Science
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Dr Anika Haque

Last modified: November 25, 2024
ACCESS Leadership College Fellows

Associate Professor in Human Geography and Environment
University of York


The sector(s) I work in: University

Professional qualifications:


FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy)

FRGS (Fellow of Royal Geographical Society)


University profile

ResearchGate profile

Google Scholar

About the organisation(s) I've worked for

Organisation name:

University of York

About my experience and expertise

Personal statement:

I am a human geographer broadly interested in Urban inequality. My research is interdisciplinary and situated at the intersection of society, environment and development. I am particularly interested in the everyday and embedded structural inequalities at city level.

My research is grounded in Systems thinking – not only for unpacking the complex interdisciplinary problems of the contemporary cities, but also to identify solutions and pathways to achieving the overlapping sustainable development goals in the global South. Much of my research over the last decade has empirically focused on cities around the global South (from Asia to Africa to Latin America) and has been funded by a wide range of sources such as British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, INRIC, Schlumberger Foundation, FCDO.

I’m a mixed-methods researcher and have conducted extensive quantitative and qualitative field works in Bangladesh, India and South Africa. My work is widely published in world-leading journals in the field of Geography, Development, Environment as well as in interdisciplinary journals.

Key topic areas of research or interest:

My research has three interrelated strands addressing the intersection of various sustainable development goals, namely climate action (goal 13), gender and economic inequality (goal 5 and 10), sustainable cities and communities (Goal 11) and energy access (goal 7).

Climate change adaptation – primarily focusing on understanding the political economy in which livelihoods operate and the political ecology (including urban governance as well as socio-political processes) shaping the urban adaptation processes in low-income urban settlements (case study: Bangladesh, South Africa, Mexico).

Gender vulnerability – exploring the ‘gendered’ vulnerability to urban risks and ways in which gendered considerations can be mainstreamed into public policies (case study: Bangladesh and India).

Energy transitions – exploring ways in which ‘just’ energy transition pathways can be achieved addressing the dual challenge of limiting the danger of climate change and increasing socioeconomic inequality particularly across the Global South (case study: India and South Africa).


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