ACCESS is a five-year (2022-2027) climate and environment social science project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Patrick Devine-Wright, ACCESS Director and Birgitta Gatersleben, ACCESS Co-Director talk about the project; what they hope will be achieved and how you can get involved.
You can also read the ACCESS PLOS Climate Journal article Placing people at the heart of climate action which explains why social science is fundamental to helping solve the climate crisis and restore our environment. Authored by ACCESS members Patrick Devine-Wright, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Birgitta Gatersleben, Saffron O’Neill, Sarah Hartley, Kate Burningham, Benjamin Sovacool, Stewart Barr and Jillian Anable.
The ACCESS team includes world-leading social science and interdisciplinary experts led by the Universities of Exeter and Surrey in a core team that includes
(Natural Resources Wales, NatureScot, Natural England, Environment Agency and Forest Research)
The ACCESS core team is complemented by a wider network of expertise drawn from academic and stakeholder partners across UK devolved nations and internationally.
Partners include
Stakeholders across policy, business and civil society at local and national levels including
Professor Patrick Devine-Wright
University of Exeter
Professor Birgitta Gatersleben
University of Surrey
Sue Williams
Natural Resources Wales
Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh
University of Bath
Professor Benjamin Sovacool
University of Sussex
Professor Saffron O’Neill
University of Exeter
Professor Karen Bickerstaff
University of Exeter
Professor Alice Moseley
University of Exeter
Professor Sarah Hartley
University of Exeter
Professor Kate Burningham
University of Surrey
Professor Stewart Barr
University of Exeter
Professor Jillian Anable
University of Leeds
Dr Travis Coan
University of Exeter
Professor Neil Adger
University of Exeter
Professor Ian Bateman
University of Exeter
Professor Steffen Boehm
University of Exeter
Dr Catherine Caine
University of Exeter
Dr Fiona Charnley
University of Exeter
Ian Peter Christie
University of Surrey
Professor Nigel Gilbert
University of Surrey
Professor Amelia Hadfield
University of Surrey
Dr Chris Jones
University of Portsmouth
Dr Nick Kirsop-Taylor
University of Exeter
Professor Angela Druckman
University of Surrey
Professor Ruth Garside
University of Exeter
Professor Steve Hinchliffe
University of Exeter
Professor Tim Jackson
University of Surrey
Professor Matt Lobley
University of Exeter
Dr Rebecca Lovell
University of Exeter
Dr Melissa Marselle
University of Surrey
Dr Beth Brockett
Forest Research
Dr Jean-Francois Mercure
University of Exeter
Professor Clare Saunders
University of Exeter
Professor Ian Walker
University of Swansea
Professor Hywel Williams
University of Exeter
Dr Sarah Golding
University of Surrey
Dr Jo Hamilton
University of Exeter
Dr Jenny Hatchard
University of Exeter
Dr Steve Guilbert
University of Exeter
Dr Harry Marshall
Forest Research
Dr Michelle Spruce (completed Fellowship)
Liverpool John Moores University
Dr George Warren (completed Fellowship)
University of Surrey
Dr Valentine Seymour (completed Fellowship)
University of Surrey
Dr Gerardo A. Torres Contreras (completed Fellowship)
University of Sussex
Sarah Baker, Project Manager
University of Exeter
Kirstie Hatcher, Project Manager
University of Surrey
Trevor Hood, Administrator
University of Surrey
Sarah Thorn, Administrator
University of Exeter
Vacant, Communications Officer
University of Exeter
In 2022 we set up the ACCESS Policy and Practice Working Group (PPWG). Our aim was to provide a regular forum in which social science knowledge on environmental problems could be shared between academics, officials from central and devolved governments, agencies and regulatory bodies, professional bodies and funding institutions. This is a fluid, evolving group which contains UK-wide organisations that provide useful insights and helpful challenges and provocation that guide decision-making.
If you are interested in finding out more about the PPWG please email
Our network of expertise is growing.
ACCESS aims to make social science expertise more accessible. We are developing a publicly available, searchable database of social scientists and experts working in the fields of climate and environment.
It includes academics in universities as well as those working in the public sector, charities and businesses. Most of the experts have a social science background and use a mix of different methods and approaches to help better understand people and society’s roles in addressing climate and environmental challenges.
ACCESS consists of four areas of work which are underpinned by three Guiding Principles Knowledge Co-Production Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Environmental Sustainability
from the past experiences of social scientists to catalyse change in policy culture, institutions (e.g., civil service), businesses and civil society.
environmental social scientists at different learning and career stages by providing tailored training and capacity building.
by creating new ideas and testing new approaches that enable social scientists to play influential, leading roles in addressing environmental challenges.
environmental social scientists across the UK and internationally by providing an accessible knowledge/data hub and innovative public engagement tracker.
Explainers, insights, and reports with up-to-date analysis and commentary. Access to databases to help inform research, opinion and policies.
From novice to expert, we will be signposting/showcasing a range of training and development resources, including secondments, mentoring and networking events.
We will be responding to the current climate and biodiversity crises through our interdisciplinary task forces and bespoke rapid response service. Highlighting the impact we and other social scientists are having on environmental decision-making.